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Museon depot
Museon depot

Empty museum full of stories

Ontdek de wereld vanuit je eigen huis!

Discover the world from your home!

The Museon is an interactive museum with a treasure of objects from the world of nature, culture and technology. Curious about all those treasures in the depot? Take a look behind the scenes online!

A young man built a scale model of a castle in a year and a half, while he was in hiding during WWII.

Imagine not to go outside for a few weeks, but for over a year and a half. Mobile phones and internet don't exist yet. What would you do all this time? Write, learn or maybe build something?

M. P. van Dijk (born 1918) went into hiding during the German occupation and built the castle Brederode stone by stone. He made and bricked every tile himself. What creativity and resilience in a terrible period!

Unfortunately we don't know much about this man and why he chose this building and how he was doing after the war...


Nationale Bijentelling 2020 ook op het Groene Dak van het Museon


Allemaal eieren!


Maak je eigen mini-museum!


Sarcofaag in het Museon


Verwondertour depot - deel 1


De Allosaurus van het Museon




Verlaten museum, vol verhalen - intro